Mr. Marios Eliades trustee of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation interview on PIK 1 for the bicommunal programme Μαζί/Birlikte
Mr. Marios Eliades trustee of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation interview on PIK 1 for the bicommunal programme Μαζί/Birlikte on Sunday 08/12/19. The interview starts at 10:15
Hosted Laona Foundation!
23 November 2019 In the context of Sir Stelios announcement that Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Nicosia HQ at Markou Drakou (near Ledra Palace) is available to use for any good charity and cause free of any charge, we Hosted Laona Foundation from Limassol to encourage teachers of both sides to explore all Cyprus Locations! For more information: …
Στηρίζουμε τον Παύλο Κοντίδη #TowardsTokyo
Η Δημοσιογραφική Εστία άνοιξε τις πύλες της την Πέμπτη, 14 Νοεμβρίου, φιλοξενώντας τη δημοσιογραφική διάσκεψη όπου παρουσιάστηκαν οι πέντε αθλητές και αθλήτριες που εντάσσονται στο πρόγραμμα Αθλητικής Ευθύνης #TowardsTokyo του Παύλου Κοντίδη, με φόντο τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες που θα λάβουν χώρα στην πρωτεύουσα της Ιαπωνίας. Οι αθλητές που εντάσσονται στο πρόγραμμα είναι: Όμηρος Ζάγκας (Κολύμβηση), …
Mr. Marios Eliades, Trustee of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation, interview today at Nicosia HQ Office
31 October 2019 Mr. Marios Eliades, Trustee of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation, interviewed by Ms. Yeliz Shukri at the Nicosia HQ for the new Bi-Communal TV program of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation ‘Μαζι / Birlikte’ which will begin its first season at the end of this month. ” Η Κύπρος θα ήταν πολύ καλύτερη εάν …
Bi-Communal Awards 2019 – Night of the Ceremony
8th of October 2019 The ceremony to congratulate all winners of the Bi-Communal Awards 2019 took place at Nicosia HQ Offices at Markou Drakou 5, on the evening of the 8th of October. Sir Stelios Haji-ioannou awards 50 Bi-communal Teams with cash prizes of 10,000 euros each. The aim of the awards is to strengthen the socio-economic …
Limassol Office use for Charity Events
Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou would like to inform that Stelios Foundation Limassol Hall at 8 Argirou Drousioti, 3041 Limassol, is available to use for any good charity and cause free of any charge. For more information: Limassol Office Tel: 25365118 E-mail:
Nicosia HQ Office use for Charity Events
Sir Stelios Hadj-ioannou would like to inform that Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Nicosia HQ at Markou Drakou (near Ledra Palace) is available to use for any good charity and cause free of any charge. For more information: Nicosia HQ Office Tel: 22953773 E-mail:
Sir Stelios and his team meet with Mustafa Akinci to update him on our ongoing projects for lasting peace on the island.
On the 8th of October , Sir Stelios and his team ( David Watson , Kerim Fuad , Piter Millet ) met with the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community , Mustafa Akinci , at his office in North Nicosia. They updated the president on the current ongoing activities of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation , …
Δελτίο Τύπου για τα Δικοινοτικά Βραβεία 2019
Sir Stelios: Δεν είμαι πολιτικός, ούτε θέλω να γίνω by inbusiness Read more: Μιλώντας στο πλαίσιο συνέντευξης τύπου για την απονομή των βραβείων Δικοινοτικής Συνεργασίας 2019 (Stelios Bi – Communal Awards 2018), που διοργανώνονται για 11η συνεχή χρονιά στην Κύπρο ο Σερ Στέλιος Χατζηιώννου δεν δίστασε να τοποθετηθεί για το Κυπριακό. Συγκεκριμένα αφού εξέφρασε …